Sunday, October 7, 2012

I think there is a problem


We're up here at ____. (A neighbor)'s irrigator engine is running and it looks like the end tower is upside down."

"I'll be there in a minute."

I find just what was described to me, an irrigator in a harvested field being ran dry to park. Except the last tower which is now a long way from the road is upside down.

Cell phone 1  ...  no answer, went to voicemail

House phone 1 ... no answer (may have been an answering machine.  If so I didn't leave a message)

House phone 2 ... no answer

Hose phone 3 ... answering machine.  Leave message or if emergency call (cell phone 2) or (cell phone 3)

Cell phone 3 ... went to voicemail

Cell phone 4 ... "Hello?"

"Hey, I'm at  ____ and the engine is running but it looks like the last tower is down."

" ...............  Ummmm ... Could you turn it off for me?"

I probably should have just done that to start with.   Curiosity go the best of me so I ventured out across the field in my pickup to find this
(It's really a better photo than I expected, as it was just at sundown with a cell phone camera)  Obviously a safety failed, but I didn't see any other problems ... well, except for that one little thing.

This is why I put contact numbers on all our irrigator pivot control boxes.

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