I have been a regular on the AgTalk+ blog pages. In fact, I lead the list in number of entries there. My May 30 entry was my number 99.
I paused to ponder on something special for #100 and the spam postings,
advertising posts, and non-blog entries ( things that are good questions
someplace like Machinery Talk) just kind of blew up. I decided to hold
off on # 100 until I was happy with the blog site again.
I'm not sure I am happy, but it's time to reclaim the AgTalk+ Blog pages.
Funacres (John Jones from Lubbock, Texas) made a post he says will develop into a series of several blog
entries over the next few weeks. I'm going to commit myself to
something similar. So I wrote number 100 this morning. I encourage others to join in. Write, comment, just
set back and read.
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