Yes, the photo below of the tractors is out of date. Mike and Aman decided to upgrade the fleet and are giving Baby (the little 4WD tractor) a new home. It and the big Magnum are being replaced with The Beast
a Case 275 Magnum.
It has RTX autosteer, so if you see Mike reading the newspaper going down through the field, don't be surprised. Sorry, no television ... yet.
Oh, and keep your eyes open for changes in the web site. We are in the process of making some major changes in the farm web site. Mike has been talking about this for a long time, and finally found someone to help him along. Lance Otto is a Minnesota farmer who also does web design. He and Mike are working on a new site, but development may get paused if farming season gets here early. The new site is temporarily at if you want to visit from time to time and see what is happening.
Just keep in mind it is a work in progress. It may not work properly and things WILL be changed. But once it is up and going we hope to have secure pages for landowners to access data, have a photo gallery, who knows? There are LOTS of possibilities. Once it is up and going we will probably switch to it as well.
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